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Walla Walla Community College

Chart a Course for Your Career

Workforce Education Services (WES) provides educational and career navigation for students enrolled in workforce training pathways or career and academic preparation (CAP). WES Navigator services include:

  • Career exploration and career pathway planning
  • Financial aid navigation, budgeting for college, and financial literacy
  • Tuition assistance to bridge into training
  • Support services available on a case-by-case basis
  • Funding programs can help eligible students with purchasing books, tools, or other school supplies.

Learning programs that are part of WES include Basic Food Employment & Training, Opportunity Grant, Worker Retraining, and WorkFirst.


Workforce Grant Funding

Empowering Basic Food Assistance Recipients

BFE&T IconeWWCC’s Basic Food Employment & Training (BFET) program is a partnership with the Department of Social and Health Services which offers job search and skills support to students receiving Basic Food Assistance  (known as SNAP benefits)..

Learn More

Opportunity Grant

Walla Walla Community College offers an Opportunity Grant for financial and educational assistance to low-income adults in high demand career pathways, such as:

Other funding support options available to workforce training students include the WES Worker Retraining, BFET, and WorkFirst programs. Additionally, all students can apply for traditional scholarships and financial aid.



Low-income parents receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funds can participate in WorkFirst to gain the in-demand skills in  order to earn a living wage and become self-sufficient.


Worker Retraining

Jobless workers impacted by the changing economy can get training and tuition assistance in order to change careers and re-enter the workforce.


Support Services for Students

Child Care

Students enrolled in the BFE&T program may be eligible to receive a subsidy with Working Connections Child Care. WES Navigators can also connect students with local child care resources.

Visit Child Care and Parenting Student Resources

Parenting Students may also qualify for CCampis grant funds.

Food Pantry

The Warrior Resources on-campus food pantry provides WWCC students with emergency and short-term food supplies as needed.

Health Care Benefits

Apply for Washington Apple Health (Medicaid) through the Washington State Health Care Authority.


Several free or low-cost transportation can bring you to and from classes at WWCC.

Valley Transit


Valley Transit is Walla Walla’s public transportation service. A bus stop is located on the WWCC campus.

Columbia County Public Transportation


If you need to travel from Dayton, Waitsburg, or Dixie to Walla Walla, check out this reliable service.

Grape Line


Grape Line offers 3 round trips daily between Walla Walla and Pasco.


For route and schedule information, please call: 509.758.3339

WES program students in need of additional help finding transportation can reach out to a WES Navigator at [email protected].

Worksource Career and Employment Services

Click here to learn more about Worksource Walla Walla’s resources to help you find employment.