EDI Campus Climate Survey
Based on the persisting completion and retention gaps for students of color, as well as the low representation of staff and faculty of color in institutions of higher education, the Washington State legislature passed Senate Bill 5227 requiring institutions of higher education to conduct campus climate assessments to understand the current state of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the learning, working, and living environment on campus for students, faculty, and staff.
Using an inclusive feedback process involving executive leadership, Governance Council, Human Resources staff, Student Services staff, the EDI office, and the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, WWCC chose the Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium’s Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey
The legislature requires institutions to conduct a survey at least once every five years. Following NADOHE’s recommendation of promising practices, WWCC is conducting the survey every three years beginning Fall 2022.
Additionally, between survey years, the legislature requires institutions to conduct listening and feedback sessions among students, staff & faculty. Starting Fall 2023, WWCC is dedicating one session of our Fall Conference to share results and discuss progress related to the findings of the survey and the listening sessions. HEDS distributed the survey to participants, and WWCC promoted participation.
2022-23 Survey Results
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EDI Office Contact Information
Director: Allen Sutton
[email protected]