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Walla Walla Community College

Welcome to Career Services for students! We have information and resources to help you make informed decisions about your career and educational pathways.  We can also connect you with opportunities to gain relevant experience in your chosen field.

We partner with employers to provide students with job opportunities.

Employer Information
Spring career internship networking event

Looking for Employment?

Interested in finding a job off campus? Follow the links below to explore what’s available.

person holding resume

Career Preparation

Schedule an appointment with Career Services to create or update your resume or cover letter!


Check out Career Coach Resume Builder!

Want to learn more, keep an eye on the College Calendar for Career Services workshops!


On Campus Employers

On Campus Employers

WWCC Departments interested in hiring students to work in their area should complete the following process. This process is to be used for internal/on-campus student employees only.

  • Review the Types of Student Employment.
  • You will also be asked to provide a Student Employment Job Description for each position you wish to hire for.
  • Once you have determined who you would like to hire, you must complete the student employment form.
  • HR will notify the supervisor once all documentation has been received and the new student employee may begin working.

Please reach out to Career Services with any questions.

Off Campus Employers

WWCC is happy to partner with our community to promote job opportunities for our students! To be able to post your jobs on our website, please follow these steps:

  1. Sign up to create an Employer Profile on our Career Coach site.
  2. Once you have created a profile and it has been approved, you will be able to start posting opportunities on behalf of your company.
  3. Once your position is filled, please alert Career Services and we will remove the posting.