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Walla Walla Community College

Security and Environmental Health and Safety Department

In the event of an emergency, contact 911 immediately.

The Walla Walla Community College Security and Environmental Health and Safety Department is an unarmed, non-sworn department. The department maintains a close working relationship with the Walla Walla and Clarkston police departments, which have primary law enforcement jurisdiction on their respective campuses.


Security Incident Reporting

Office hours are 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. In an emergency, immediately dial 911 (dial 9-911 from a campus phone), and then report the emergency to Security and Environmental Health and Safety. Reporting of suspicious activity, criminal behavior, emergencies and other safety and security matters can be done in multiple ways:

  • In-person: Building D, Walla Walla Campus
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: 509.526.SAFE (7233)

Students and employees can also report student behaviors that may violate the Student Code of Conduct or other College policies to the Vice President of Student Services. Filing a Student Behavior Incident Report does not mean the College will formally move forward with the conduct process. Whenever possible and appropriate, the matter will be resolved through an informal resolution. Questions or concerns should be directed to the Vice President of Student Services at 509.527.4300.


Accident and Injury Reporting

All members of Walla Walla Community College are required to report accidents and injuries to the Director of Security and Environmental Health and Safety. Reporting can be completed online utilizing the Accident and Injury Reporting Form or through the phone number and email address noted above.

Additional Safety and Security Forms

Student Conduct Report

Student actions may violate our student code of conduct.  They may also impact the safety and security of the campus.  Use the Student Conduct form to make a report of these incidences.


Campus Security Authority Reporting Form (for CSA Reporters only)

Campus Security Authorities, designated by the college, are individuals that have significant responsibility for student and campus activities. Campus Security Authorities are required to report Clery Act crimes that they have been made aware of and that occurred in Clery Act reportable geography, including murder, manslaughter, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson, rape, fondling, incest, statutory rape and arrests or referrals for liquor law violations, drug law violations or weapons law violations. This form is submitted to the department director for review and investigation.


Chemical Requisition Form

The college is committed to the safe storage and disposal of all chemicals, prevention of exposures that could result in injury and/or illness, and complying with all applicable federal, state and local health and safety codes and regulations. All WWCC employees will comply with all sections of the Universal & Hazardous Waste Storage and Disposal Program; a printed copy of the plan is available through the Security and Environmental Health and Safety office.

Once the determination is made by a College department that a specific chemical needs to be ordered, the ordering department will need to submit a copy of the chemical’s Safety Data Sheet and a signed requisition form to the Director of Security and Environmental Health and Safety, or the Lab Support Technician for the Science Division before the order is placed. The requisition form will then either be approved, denied or sent back to the requesting department for further clarification.

Non-Campus Location Reporting Form

The college is required under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act to collect data for all locations that the college owns or controls and include all reported criminal activity on the Daily Crime Log and the Annual Security and Fire Report. Employees are required to submit a Non-Campus Location Reporting Form if you contract for or utilize a location that meets the definition of Non-Campus property under the Clery Act.  Any questions regarding this policy can be addressed to the department director.


Student Travel Reporting Form

The Security and Environmental Health and Safety Department is required under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act to collect data for all overnight trips involving students. Employees are required to submit a Student Travel Reporting Form before leaving on an overnight trip that involves students. Any questions regarding this policy can be addressed to the department director.

Resources for Help

Benefits of a Protection Order

The crime that is most associated with necessity of a protection order is RCW 9A.46.110 Stalking, although there are several other crimes associated as well. Protection order forms are located on the Washington Courts website, and resources to help navigate the process, including advice, support before and during hearings, and acting as a liaison to law enforcement, are available through WWPD Crime Victim Services and the WWPD domestic violence advocate. Domestic violence services in Walla Walla are also provided by the Walla Walla YWCA  24-hour crisis line (509.529.9922). In Walla Walla, there is an Order for Protection Clinic 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Walla Walla Superior Court (315 W. Main, Room 305).

In Clarkston, Clarkston Police Department (domestic violence aid: Deborah Grandorff, 509.596.8179, [email protected]) is available for district court matters, and the Asotin County Prosecutor victim coordinator (Holly Tietz, 509.751.6004) is available for superior court matters.

Benefits of a protection order:

  • Make any contact a crime.
  • Make any stalking or assault a felony.
  • May restrict the respondent from possessing a firearm.
  • Provide background information to responding police so they have an idea as to what they are stepping into. It also shows them that a judge has validated the problem as serious enough for an arrest to be warranted.
  • The term “fear” or “reasonable fear” is used in various laws, including Stalking, Harassment, and Robbery, as well as used to define, “forcible compulsion” under definitions section-sexual assault chapter. The order articulates that a judge has found you have reasonable fear of the respondent and is an articulatable step in protecting yourself.
  • Shows that you have done everything within your power to keep this person away from you in any unfortunate event that you may have to use force against the person in the necessary protection of self or others.
    • Washington Law regarding use of force is explained in RCW 9A.16.
    • Lawful use of force is described in RCW 9A.16.020.
    • RCW 9A.16.110, “Defending against violent crime,” assures no person in the state shall be placed in legal jeopardy for protecting themselves or others.

The way it works is that you petition the court for the order, and a hearing is set. In the event of immediate need, a judge may grant a temporary order to protect you prior to that hearing. The advocates are very willing to help you with the paperwork, and will attend any hearings with you if you want them to. For the petition you should build a timeline of events that have occurred between you and the respondent, and in it articulate the events that have occurred that have caused you fear. It would be good to include actions or choices you have made as a result of that reasonable fear. Articulating the reasonable fear is important to the process, along with any prosecutions that may arise from the situation.

Crime Victim Advocacy


The Walla Walla Community College Discrimination/Harassment Grievance Procedure defines discrimination and harassment, and identifies unacceptable behavior. It also defines investigatory and resolution protocol. The Title- IX Grievance Procedure identifies sexual harassment definitions, investigatory and resolution protocol. Title IX Employee Supplemental Disciplinary Hearing Procedure  provides additional information related to employee discipline related to Title IX. The Student Code of Conduct (WAC132T-100)  outlines student discipline, WAC 132T-105  relates to Title IX student conduct rules.

This grievance form should be completed and submitted to the Vice President of Human Resources at WWCC in order to make a complaint of discrimination, harassment or sexual harassment. WWCC Policy 2430  relates to public disclosure requests for sexual harassment or stalking records pursuant to RCW 42.56 sections 660-675. Any person may file a grievance.


Per RCW 28B.10.900 , “hazing” includes any act committed as part of a person’s recruitment, initiation, pledging, admission into, or affiliation with a student organization, athletic team, or living group, or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to such an organization, athletic team, or living group that causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger or physical harm, or serious psychological or emotional harm, to any student or other person attending a public or private institution of higher education or other postsecondary educational institution in this state, including causing, directing, coercing, or forcing a person to consume any food, liquid, alcohol, drug, or other substance which subjects the person to risk of such harm, regardless of the person’s willingness to participate. “Hazing” does not include customary athletic events or other similar contests or competitions. RCW 28B.10.901 identifies “hazing” as a gross misdemeanor unless the violation causes substantial bodily harm, in which case “hazing” becomes a class C felony.

Per WAC 132T-100-135 WWCC prohibits any hazing activities on or off college premises.

ID Theft/Fraud

Mental Health Resources

VAWA (DV/Stalking/Sex Offenses) Response

The response will be a collaborative effort between Safety & Security, and Human Resources in the event an employee is involved, or Student Conduct in the event it falls under their jurisdiction. The reporting party will be advised of Title IX information as warranted, Title IX reporting form, and resource options available to them. Safety & Security will aid the reporting party with a report to police, or connection with available resources.

Sexual Assault / Stalking / Dating or Domestic Violence Resources

In the event a member of the campus community is a petitioner or respondent in a protection order, please notify and provide a copy of the order to the WWCC Security & Environmental Health & Safety Department.