Non-Campus Location Reporting
The college is required under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act to collect data for all locations that the college owns or controls and include all reported criminal activity on the Daily Crime Log and the Annual Security and Fire Report. Employees are required to submit a Non-Campus Location Reporting Form if you contract for or utilize a location that meets the definition of Non-Campus property under the Clery Act. Any questions regarding this policy can be addressed to the department director.
Training Programs
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Programs: WWCC is required under the Clery Act and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act to provide prevention and ongoing training programs to all students and employees to promote awareness and to educate individuals about alcohol and drug use and abuse.
Violence Against Women Act Programs: WWCC is required under the Clery Act, the Campus Save Act and the Violence Against Women Act to provide prevention and ongoing training programs to all students and employees to promote awareness and to educate individuals about dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking.
Bystander Intervention Programs: WWCC is required under the Clery Act, the Campus Save Act and the Violence Against Women Act to provide prevention and ongoing training programs to all students and employees to promote awareness and to educate individuals about Bystander Intervention.