Careers in Nutrition
Give People Tools for Healthy Living
Dietitians give people advice about healthy eating. They can be an important part of a person’s healthcare team. They might focus on helping patients manage a disease. Or they might work for schools, clinics or governments, educating people about food, nutrition and health. Others develop healthy menus for cafeterias, hospitals or prisons. And as the population ages, the need for dietitians is expected to grow. Whatever path you take, with training in Nutrition, you’ll have a unique and valuable skill set.
Certificates & Degrees in Nutrition
To become a dietitian, you’ll likely need a bachelor’s degree or more. So it’s good to plan for the long haul. When you get your associate degree at WWCC, you can save money on your first two years of school. You’ll be able to transfer to many Washington colleges with junior standing.
WWCC By the Numbers
Students at WWCC
Attend Full Time
Receiving Financial Aid