Applied Instruction
Advance Your Career
Get Ready for the Workplace
Your professional/technical courses will teach you important trade skills. But there’s more to landing — and keeping — a job than being good at your work. You also need to understand how to interact with and support your co-workers, make professional connections and give a good interview. You’ll need to be able to write clear and persuasive resumes, cover letters, emails and more. And you’ll need strong critical thinking, problem solving and basic math skills. WWCC’s Applied Instruction courses will help you practice these key skills before you graduate so you’ll have the best chance to succeed in your career.
Courses in Applied Instruction
Though fun group activities, mock workplace scenarios, and solo projects, you’ll learn important lessons about getting along in the workplace. You’ll learn to communicate well. And you’ll build reasoning and math skills that will make your work life easier.
WWCC By the Numbers
Students at WWCC
Attend Full Time
Receiving Financial Aid