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Walla Walla Community College

Why Choose WWCC for Nursing Education?

The Nursing Education program at WWCC can be your gateway to a meaningful career caring for others. You’ll perfect your skills through a combo of theory and hands-on practice. You’ll learn how to care for diverse people with unique needs. And we know a lot is at stake when someone’s health is in your hands. So you’ll have important talks about the values and ethics of nursing. Plus, here you’ll have access to the latest teaching tech. WWCC is the first community college in Washington to have an Anatomage. It’s a 3-D platform that helps students learn anatomy and practice their skills in thousands of medical scenarios.

Nursing Information Sessions

Nursing Information Sessions are scheduled for next month! We look forward to seeing you there. In the meantime, please review the updated Nursing Admission Guide.

Clarkston Campus
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Health Science Building, Room 2107

Walla Walla Campus
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
10:00 am – 11:00 am
Building E, Room 1707

Careers in Nursing

A Lifetime of Caring

Nursing is one of the most respected careers out there. It’s also one of the most rewarding. As a nurse, you’ll be able to help people every day. Caring for patients takes compassion, skill and stamina. So good nurses are always in demand. They are needed in diverse settings — from hospitals and clinics to schools, senior care centers and patients’ homes. Nurses enjoy a lot of variety in their work. But they can also focus on specific care levels, settings or types of patients. It’s a versatile career path you’ll be glad you chose.

Certificates & Degrees in Nursing

With your Associate in Nursing Education degree, you’ll be prepared to take the National Council Licensure Examination–Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN). To open up even more jobs, we recommend you transfer to one of our partner schools where you can earn your Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) with just one more year of study.

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Nursing Program Details

Nursing Program: Requirements, Information & Admission Guide

The Nursing Admission Guide is the primary resource for all Nursing Program information, requirements and instructions for application. Please also review the Nursing Assistant Requirement Questions.

Nursing Assistant Requirement Questions

Please review the Nursing Assistant (NA) requirement for admission to the Nursing Program.

  1. Do I need to complete the Nursing Assistant requirement before I apply to the Nursing Program?
    You do not need to have completed your NA coursework or have passed your licensing exam or have gotten your license before applying to the program. However, you must produce a Certificate of Completion for a Nursing Assistant course or produce NA Certification prior to starting the nursing program in the fall.
  2. Does Financial Aid cover the Nursing Assistant class? Yes, in some circumstances. It is your responsibility to speak with the Financial Aid department to determine your eligibility. Federal Financial Aid can often assist with NA Program costs under these conditions:
    1. You have declared your intention to receive a nursing degree from WWCC, have been placed in the open admission Nursing Pathway, and you include other Nursing Degree Requirements with NA credits.
    2. You are pursuing an Associate of Arts Degree and you have to take elective credit to complete your degree plan.
    3. If all Nursing Degree Requirements are completed except for the NA course, then Federal Financial Aid can provide assistance for NA credits.
  3. Can I take the NA class at Walla Walla Community College?
    Our Allied Health office offers the class almost every quarter at the Walla Walla campus (depending on enrollment), and during summer quarter at the Clarkston campus (more often if there is enough enrollment). Contact our Allied Health Department for application information. Clarkston campus: (509) 758-1706.  Walla Walla campus: (509) 527-4589.
  4. I previously had Nursing Assistant Certification, but it expired. Do I need to retake the class?
    If you can produce adequate documentation showing your expired certification/licensure, or the Certificate of Completion for the class, you do not need to repeat a class. However, you will be accountable for the knowledge/skills of the Nursing Assistant class when you enter the Nursing Program. Although there is not currently a time limit/expiration on the class, if you are more than 10 years from any practice, we encourage you to retake the class.
  5. I am a Certified Medical Assistant (CMA). Can this substitute for the NA requirement?
    The role of the CMA and the CNA are different. No other certificate can be substituted to meet the NA requirement. You may check the Washington Department of Health web site for available MA to NA bridge courses instead of taking a full NA course.
  6. I am an EMT or Paramedic. Does this meet the NA requirement?
    The role of the EMT and the CNA are different.
    No other certificate/license can be substituted to meet the NA requirement.
  7. I have some experience in health care. Can I skip the class and just take the state exams?
    It depends. If you have been a nursing student elsewhere; have been trained as a nurse in the past; completed the Naval Hospital Corps, Army 91-C, or Air Force Medical Services Specialist (Technician School) you may be able to take the state exam. You will need to call the Department of Health at (360) 236-4700 to determine if you qualify and what documentation is required.
  8. I have a NA certification/licensure from another state. Is that acceptable?
    A CNA license from any state is acceptable.

Nursing Program Approval and Accreditation

The Associate Degree Nursing Program at WWCC is approved by the Washington State Board of Nursing (WABON): 310 Israel Rd., Tumwater, WA 98501, phone (360) 236-4700. The Associate Degree Nursing Program is also accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), formerly called the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC): 3390 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, Georgia 30326, phone (404) 975-5000,

Letter of ACEN Accreditation

RN to BSN Articulation

RN to BSN Articulation: Associate in Nursing DTA/MRP Degree

Nursing DTA/MRP (RN-BSN) also accepted by the following schools since the original signature document:
• UW Tacoma
• UW Bothell
• Saint Martin’s
• Bellevue College
• Olympic College
• Columbia Basin College
• Wenatchee Valley College
• Heritage

RN to BSN Track of the BSN Program
Articulation Agreement Between Lewis-Clark State College and Walla Walla Community College.

Program Outcomes

  • The program’s most recent annual pass rate on the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) will be at least 80% for all first-time test-takers during the same 12-month period.
  • Seventy percent (70%) or more of students will earn an associate level degree in nursing within two years (six quarters) of enrollment in the first nursing course.
  • Ninety percent (90%) of the nursing graduates who responded to the Nursing Graduate Survey will report being employed in nursing 6-12 months after graduation.
  • Forty percent (40%) of the nursing graduates who responded to the Nursing Graduate Survey will report being admitted to or having completed a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree at 6-12 months after graduation.
  • Ninety percent (90%) of the nursing graduates who responded to the Nursing Graduate Survey will rate their overall nursing program satisfaction at ≥ 3 on a 1-4 point scale. (4 = Highly satisfied, 3 = Satisfied, 2 = Dissatisfied, 1 = Highly dissatisfied)
  • Eighty percent (80%) of the employers of nursing program graduates who responded to the Employer Survey will rate the Overall Job Preparation of graduates 3 on a 1-4 point scale. (4 = Excellent, 3 = Good, 2 = Fair, 1 = Poor)

WWCC Nursing Program Outcomes Results



Scholarship Opportunities

At WWCC, we’ll help you find scholarships that may be open to you. Scholarships provide money for school that you don’t have to pay back. They can be used for things like tuition, books, tools and fees. They come from sources like the WWCC Foundation, local businesses and private funds. Some WWCC programs also have scholarships for students working toward a certain certificate or degree. You might qualify based on good grades, financial need or the potential to benefit from school. The bottom line: You have options. We’ll help you explore them at WWCC.


Paying for Your Degree

There are lots of ways to pay for college. We will work with you to find the right mix of support so that you can go after your dreams. Talk with us to learn more about:

  • Financial aid — grants, scholarships and student loans.
  • Workforce Education Services — support for students on workforce training pathways.
  • Warrior Pledge — covers needs not met by other financial aid.
  • Flexible payment plans — low monthly payments with no interest.
  • Work study — work part-time on campus while you earn your degree.
  • Emergency funds — for students who are struggling to make ends meet.

You can go to college. Start exploring your options today.

WWCC By the Numbers


Students at WWCC


Attend Full Time


Receiving Financial Aid

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