Placement in English and math provide a starting point for your educational journey. The placement process will help you and your advisor select your courses and plan any prerequisites for courses you may need. WWCC uses guided self-placement surveys, with each survey taking about 20 minutes to complete. You’ll need a valid email address and your ctcLink student ID number to get started (ID numbers usually start with a 101, 202, or 203).
New Students: Click the buttons below to complete both English and math placements.
- If you are not a Running Start student and do not have a high school diploma, it may be best to contact Advising or Transitional Studies before continuing with placement.
- If you have earned credit on any college level English or math courses, you may want to submit your transcript before continuing with placement. For further instructions, contact Admissions.
Current and Returning Students: Check in with your advisor to see if you need to complete placement.
English Placement Math Placement
After Placement: Please note that it may take up to three business days for your placement to be recorded as a Milestone on your student record.
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