Integrated Planning and Budgeting
The Standardized Evaluation of Programs and Services (STEPS) provides a framework to evaluate the contributions of all programs and services at the college towards student success. STEPS informs meaningful change by identifying needs, setting priorities, and facilitating continuous improvement in alignment with the college’s vision, mission, and strategic goals.
The STEPS standards are essential practices to enact good work within institutions of higher education and are informed by practice and applicable research. They include:
- Mission
- Organizational Structure and Objectives
- Student Learning, Development, and Success
- Interpreting Information
- Human Resources
- Finances & Other Resources
- Planning & Continuous Improvement
The STEPS annual report will explicitly ask questions to help assess all programs’ compliance with Standards 1, 2, and 7 and instructional programs’ compliance with Standard 3.
All programs (both instructional and non-instructional) submit a STEPS report each year by the last Friday in December. Functional unit leaders should check with their division leadership to determine who will report. Download the STEPS Guidebook and report template. Complete the form in Word, save it as a PDF renamed with your program name as described in the Guidebook, and upload via the Upload Portal.
WWCC Institutional Research & Effectiveness (IRE) is available to provide support for STEPS reporters. Reporters should also work closely with their respective vice presidents and other division leaders.
Please take our survey to provide your feedback on the budget process as you’ve experienced it so far.
We will ask for your feedback again this Spring, to make sure we are continuously improving.
Your responses are anonymous.
The survey will close at 4 PM on Friday, September 20, 2024.