The Faculty Senate of WWCC is the faculty’s opportunity to be more involved in college governance. An active faculty senate means that the faculty have a respected voice in the life of the college.
The Faculty Senate shall provide a faculty forum for discussion of College affairs, provide a mechanism for faculty participation in college governance, and promote faculty involvement in the life of the College.
Goals for 24-25:
- Study issues, problems, and concerns; identify solutions; reach consensus; and recommend action;
- Encourage the faculty’s representation on all College councils and committees;
- Facilitate exchange of concerns among the faculty, administration, students, staff, and community; and
- Consult with the faculty bargaining agent in all matters of mutual concern, and refer contract issues to the bargaining agent.
President: Mike Rostollan
Past President: Chris Mehl
Vice President: Marley Olson
Secretary: Karlee Pruitt Larkin
AHE Representative: Jim Peitersen / Devon Gustafson
Arts & Sciences
Arts and Humanities: Denise Ortiz
Physical, Life, Sports Sciences: Pete VanDyke
Social Sciences: Marley Olson
Math & Education: Chris Mehl
Access & Opportunity
Transitional Studies (and High School Programs): Jim Bower
Library (and FYE): Hector Lujan
Agriculture Systems: Karlee Pruitt Larkin
Enology and Viticulture: Vacant
Manufacturing Trades: Kris Margart
Culinary Arts: Robin Leventhal
Transportation Trades: Cullen Coulston
Entrepreneurism & Marketing: Mike Rostollan
Business Administration: Krista Mahan
Human & Social Services: Liz Guerra
Nursing Education
WW Nursing: Trina McCoon
Clarkston Nursing: Kaye McGehee
Corrections Education
CRCC: Raul Flores
WSP: Shauna Hammond
Clarkston At-Large (as needed)
Lori Loseth
BAS Programs
At Large: Tracy Sereda
At-large: Charlie Miller
Part-time Adjunct: Pam Klem