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Walla Walla Community College

Accommodations are determined through an interactive process between the student and DSS. During this process DSS works with the student to identify barriers that they face due to their disability and determine reasonable accommodations that will help to remove those barriers. Students are still responsible for meeting all learning objectives and course requirements. If an instructor feels that an approved accommodation is a fundamental alteration to their course or has questions on how to implement an accommodation in your course please reach out to your DSS staff.

Note Taking

The DSS office has a subscription to a notetaking program called GLEAN. If approved, students receive access to this web based note taking service. Students will utilize their phone, tablet, and/or laptop to record the lecture. Using this program students are also able to take notes and insert slides directly into their notes. A transcription of the recording is available to students as well. If your class requires students to share personal information please make a general statement regarding all notes and recordings to be stopped when needed.  

What types of disabilities may qualify for this program?  

 A student with mobility issues who have difficulty writing, students with ADHD who struggle focusing on listening to a lecture and taking notes at the same time, students with anxiety who may struggle maintaining focus during times of high stress, students with a TBI that has impacted memory retention, students who have auditory processing difficulties. 

Digital Material

The DSS has a subscription to a text to speech reader called CaptiVoice. Students are able to create accessible documents that they can then listen to. If qualified for digital textbooks DSS will provide a pdf to students. The program allows them to listen to their text as well as change the background, font, font size, margin, etc. Students are also able to upload documents that are provided to them by faculty. 

If a pdf or document larger than 2 pages needs to be converted into an accessible format please send the inaccessible document to DSS at least 48 hours prior to the class session the materials will be distributed. Students must receive accessible materials at the same time as the other students. Please see Alternative Format under Classroom Accommodations for additional information. 

What types of disabilities may qualify for this program? 

Students with a reading disability such as dyslexia, other print impairment, students with a TBI who need to limit screen time, students who struggle focusing (a lot of times these students listen while following along in the physical copy), students with vision issues, students with a chronic health problem may need an alternative to carrying a heavy textbook.

Screen Reading and Navigation Program

The school may provide a subscription to JAWS or a student may already have their own version. This program turns the visual components of a computer to audio. When you have a student in your class that utilizes JAWS it is vital that your CANVAS course meets accessibility requirements. 

What types of disabilities may qualify for this program?  

Students who are blind or visually impaired. 

Modified Furniture

Students may be provided with alternative classroom furniture or technology. DSS has standing desks, ergonomic chairs, large screen monitors, ergonomic mice/keyboards, etc. 

If a student in your class has modified furniture DSS will place the furniture in your room upon approval of this accommodation. For ergonomic chairs specifically we request that they be moved after use and not to be used by other students. This will ensure that the student with a disabilities settings are not being changed. 

If the furniture disappears at any point please reach out to DSS as soon as you notice. Please notify DSS if you notice the furniture is no longer in working condition or you are having problems with the usage of the furniture in your class. 

What types of disabilities may qualify for this accommodation? 

Students who use wheelchairs, have mobility issues, chronic health conditions, or back injuries. Students may also receive modified furniture to support pregnancy

Flexible Attendance

Attendance flexibility ensures that a student is not unfairly penalized for absences due to their disability so long as the absences do not fundamentally alter the essential elements of the class. This accommodation is considered on an individual class basis, allowing for analysis of how attendance is essential to the class learning objectives and pedagogical components. While an attendance policy may already be incorporated into the grading criteria and syllabus, and its value is inherent to student success and learning, this accommodation is meant to modify any stated attendance policy allowing for some flexibility beyond the limit provided to the whole class. 

Students who receive this accommodation have been directed to reach out to you to determine the reasonability of this accommodation in your course as well as how you would like to be notified that they are using this accommodation. 

Please reach out to DSS to discuss any concerns you may have with this accommodation or if it will be a fundamental alteration to your program. 

What types of disabilities may qualify for this accommodation? 

Students with chronic health conditions.

Assignment Extension

The purpose of this accommodation is to ensure access, and ensure students with disabilities ae not disproportionately penalized for exacerbation in their condition, as they be unpredictable and inevitable. This accommodation is not to be automatically applied and must be requested in a timely manner. When students make a request for an extension they will work with the instructor on a reasonable timeline. 

Students who receive this accommodation have been directed to reach out to you to discuss how assignment extensions would work in your class. This includes how you would like to be notified of the request, what assignments cannot receive an extension, and what a reasonable extension would be. Reasonable extensions are generally between 1 and 3 extra days. If the student does not meet the agreed upon deadline then the instructors policy on late work applies. 

This accommodation does not apply to group work. 

What types of disabilities may qualify for this accommodation? 

Students with health conditions that are episodic in nature and flare up unexpectedly. This may include but not be limited to conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes, or asthma.

Accessible Format

Not all students accessibility needs may be met by the campus’ Capti Voice subscription. Some students may need printed materials available in a larger font, different colored paper, etc. DSS is available to convert inaccessible documents for faculty if needed. This includes PDFs that need to be ran through an Optical Character Recognition program and remediated. Please provide materials to DSS at least 48 hours prior to them being distributed to the class. Students with this accommodation should receive the accessible format at the same time as all other students. If the document/pdf is larger than 5 pages and/or requires a large amount of error corrections and alt text for images please submit the materials at least 7 days prior to it being handed out to students. 

What types of disabilities may qualify for this accommodation?  

Students with print disabilities and/or disabilities related to vision may need access to documents that can be read by a screen reader or printed in large-text format. 


Students may receive a number of accommodations that apply just during testing. For questions regarding the process regarding submitting exams or picking up completed exams please contact The Testing Center at [email protected], or [email protected]  

Testing Accommodations

Extended Time

Students with extended time on their test typically have 1.5x or 2.0x listed on their LOA. If the tests are computer based instructors will need to make the adjustments utilizing CANVAS or your testing platform. If they are paper and pencil please work with the testing center to ensure that this accommodation is met. If you can accommodate the extended time in your classroom you may offer that to the student. 

Students have been directed to not start a test if they notice their extended time is not provided. They will reach out to you and DSS to let them know that their accommodation has not been applied. An extension of the deadline may need to be granted for a student if this occurs. 

Reduced Distraction Testing Location

Students who qualify for this accommodations are permitted to take their exams in the testing center. It is their responsibility to schedule their exam in the testing center at least 3 days prior to the exam. The testing center will follow instructors guidelines documented on the form you submit to them. You will be notified if any testing irregularities occur. 

Text-to-Speech or Reader

Students may qualify for the ability to use text-to-speech or have a human reader for an exam. If the test is testing a student’s reading abilities please let DSS and/or the testing center know so they don’t provide the accommodation. Currently readers are WWCC staff and they have been trained to not answer questions, or provide support for the students. 

Speech-to-Text or Scribe

Students may need the ability to utilize speech to text or have a human scribe to complete an exam. If grammar and spelling are being graded please reach out to DSS to work on a solution. 

Breaks during Testing

Students with this accommodation are to be permitted to take a break during testing. Sometimes these breaks may include access to food and/or water. The clock does not stop on the time during these breaks. While in the testing center breaks will be monitored by testing center staff. If the student is testing at home please reach out to DSS to work on a way to provide this accommodation. 

What types of disabilities may qualify for this accommodation? 

Students with a wide variety of disabilities qualify for testing accommodations. This may include students with anxiety, ADHD, reading disabilities, physical disabilities, chronic health conditions, TBIs, PTSD. 

Group of Running Start students sitting on benches outside of the Main Building D Science Wing

Temporary Accomodations

While temporary accommodations are not covered under ADA we would like to provide support for students who receive an injury, illness, or surgery while attending WWCC. Temporary accommodations will have a specific deadline stated on the letter that may or may not be before the end of the quarter. 

Student Athletes: DSS has worked with the athletics department to determine a process for our athletes who receive a concussion while engaging in athletics. You may receive a letter regarding an athlete from the athletic trainer that is co-signed by DSS. 

Technology Available to Students Registered with DSS

The following Assistive Technology programs, and/or equipment are available to be loaned out to students who are registered with DSS and qualify for their use. Technology available is not limited to this list. Please talk with your DSS staff to see if there is additional technology available to meet your needs.


  • Capti Voice Premium
  • C-Pens


  • Digital Recorder
  • Live Scribe Pens

Screen Readers

  • JAWS
  • ZoomText
  • Fusion 


  • CART services 

Additional Equipemnt

  • Screen magnifiers
  • Ergonomic mouse
  • Ergonomic keyboard
  • Electronic stethoscope
  • Hearing amplification devices

Everyone learns differently

Accessible for all

Some students would benefit from listening the their study materials, while others would benefit from viewing websites in dark mode.

Here at WWCC we are working on making our content accessible for all students and their needs. There are some resources (Free or paid) that any student can access to help them along their educational journey. The DSS office also has access to programs, devices, and equipment for students with disabilities. The purpose of Assistive Technology is to remove barriers and all students to equally access their education. If you would like more information on any of these offerings please reach out to your campus’ DSS office.

Technology available for ALL students

There are a wide variety of programs, or browser extensions that are available for any student to access. Most of the services are free to use but some do require a subscription. The following technologies do not require a student to be registered with DSS in order to access them.