Teacher Clock Hours
Washington State K-12 Teachers who would like to earn clock hours with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) for continuing education classes can do so by paying a $20 per class clock hours fee. In order to grant clock hours, we need attendance verification from the course instructor or your Certificate of Completion for online classes offered through an educational partner. Attendance and course completion will be verified before the OSPI Continuing Education Clock Hour Credit Inservice Registration form (FORM SPI 1125) will be issued. Not all Continuing and Community Education courses are approved by Continuing Education for Clock Hours. Please contact [email protected] or further information about eligible courses.
Art, language and other in-person CE courses may be approved for clock hours if they meet one of the following content standards:
WAC 181-85-202
- School and district improvement efforts
- Education frameworks and curriculum alignment
- Content of current or anticipated assignment
A selection of online courses, offered in partnership with Ed2Go, have already been approved for clock hours. To browse and register for these courses, visit our Ed2Go clock hour courses online catalog.
For more information on offering a course for clock hours, please contact the office of Continuing and Community Education directly: [email protected] or 509.527.4331
Learn more about clock hours at the OPSI’s webpage